Terms of Engagement

  1. Definitions. For the purposes of this document, “Agreement” refers to the terms outlined in this document / page. “UnRealty” refers to Unrealty Pty Ltd (ABN: 77 680 930 241). “Client” refers to any person who is undertaking work with UnRealty and “Deposit” refers to the one off 30% payment of the agreed quote amount. “Services” refers to the work UnRealty will undertake (excluding Deployment) in exchange for payment. “Party” refers to both UnRealty and the Client. “Deployment” refers to Fees charged for publishing a digital product into a public domain and is often referenced on the Quotation. "Project Hold" refers to Services paused by the client indefinitely or Services that are delayed by the client for 30 days or greater. “Term” refers to the length of time in which the Services is estimated to last. “Quotation” refers to the document which lists the Services and associated Fees that UnRealty will undertake. “Fees” refers to the total monetary value of the Services. “Schedule” refers to the agreed payment intervals of the Services. “Masters” refers to the original work created by UnRealty in relation to the Services. “Content Management System” refers to the web application used so the Client can make non-technical content changes to the website.

  2. The Client does not need to sign these terms to accept them, and instructing UnRealty to continue work or payment of any invoice will be deemed acceptance of these terms.

  3. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous correspondence and negotiations concerning the Services. This agreement is the primary agreement between the parties in relation to the Services and will be paramount to any terms attached to any purchase order, service request or other engagement terms provided to UnRealty whether before or after the execution of this agreement by either party. This agreement may only be varied by UnRealty executing a document explicitly using the words “This agreement varies UnRealty’s Standard Terms of Engagement”.

  4. Appointment and Term. The Client appoints UnRealty as consultant to provide the Services during the Term. The Client acknowledges the term is an estimate only and the Term may vary depending on the requirements of the Services.

  5. Services. In consideration of the payment of the Fees UnRealty will provide the Services. UnRealty will abide by any reasonable directions given by the Client with respect to the manner of delivery of the Services.

  6. Quotation. UnRealty will normally provide the Client with a Fixed Quotation prior to commencing the Services. A Fixed Quotation will be based on the hours estimated to complete the Services. It is up to the discretion of UnRealty as to whether this quote should be varied to cover additional hours or extra Services not included in the Fixed Quotation. In some situations, UnRealty will provide a project “Estimate” (this will be stipulated on the bottom of the quotation). This simply means that there will be an estimated amount of hours and indicative cost per hour. Each of these hours will be logged in time sheets. If work is required beyond what is included in the estimate, UnRealty reserves the right to adjust the estimate accordingly to ensure that every hour spent on the Services is paid for by the Client. Every Quotation has a 30 day expiry date which starts from the date the Quotation was issued unless otherwise specified.

  7. Deposit. Upon acceptance of the quotation, the Client is required to pay the Deposit amount for the agreed Services. UnRealty will not begin work until the Deposit is paid in full. In some situations, UnRealty may vary the Deposit amount. The Client will be notified of their deposit amount in writing.

  8. Fees. UnRealty will provide a tax invoice to the Client for the Fees plus GST (“Fees”) according to the Payments set out in the Schedule. Fees payable as per contract payment terms. UnRealty shall be entitled to charge interest at the rate of 5% per month calculated daily on any overdue Fees. The Fees may be reviewed by UnRealty if the scope of the Services change and the Client will be given notice of any increase in the Fees. Any additional work required after the completion of the Services will be charged at the hourly rate available from UnRealty upon request.

  9. Payment Methods. All Fees can be made to UnRealty via Direct Deposit. If other payment methods are required, it is the responsibility of the Client to pay all bank and currency fees associated with this. Likewise, if a client wishes to make an International Transfer in Australian Dollars or any other currency, all related fees will be charged to them.

  10. Expenses. In addition to the Fees the Client will reimburse UnRealty the actual costs of disbursements reasonably incurred by UnRealty in carrying out the Services. Expenses are subject to prior approval by the Client.

  11. Project Hold. In the event of a Project Hold, the client must pay for any un-billed work completed prior to the date of the Project Hold.

  12. Refunds. After the payment of the initial deposit, a full refund may be obtained if:

    1. It is requested within 5 days of the initial payment
    2. No work has been undertaken by UnRealty

      If a refund is requested after work has begun or after the 5 day cooling off period, no refund will be given. Under no circumstance will a refund be given once all or most of the work is completed and sent to the client. The client is expected to pay the full agreed amount upon delivery of the Services. If not, UnRealty retains ownership of all completed work and can use it to their discretion.

  13. Non-Payment. In the result of the client not being able to pay the quoted amount, by the deadline, the following conditions apply:

    1. All work by UnRealty will immediately cease
    2. The Client forfeits their entire deposit payment
    3. The Client will be given 1 week (7 days) to pay for any completed work (which will be outlined in a final bill sent by UnRealty)
    4. In the result of non-payment, steps may be taken by UnRealty to recover any outstanding payments. This includes email and web hosting suspension in an attempt to recoup financial losses.
    5. It is up to the discretion of UnRealty as to whether the Website\Page(s) can be used

  14. General. A link to UnRealty Website will be placed on the Client’s Website\Page(s) in an agreed position, styling and size. UnRealty also retains the right to include any Client’s work in their portfolio. If this is not wanted by the Client, they must specify it in writing to UnRealty.

  15. Intellectual Property. Intellectual Property contributed by Client will remain owned by Client. Upon completion of the Services and final payment of all Fees UnRealty agrees to provide a royalty free perpetual license to the Client of all intellectual property rights created by UnRealty in connection with the provision of the Services for use by the Client for the purposes of the Services. UnRealty shall retain all Masters, rushes and other preparatory material and client (or third parties) will not be entitled to such originals, although client may request duplicate Masters to be provided at additional fees. Third party intellectual property will remain owned by such third parties, and Client appoints UnRealty as agent to procure any use of third party intellectual property in relation to the Services.

  16. Client Approvals. During the completion of Services there will be various stages of submission. This is where UnRealty will present the work completed at the stage and will ask for client approval. At this stage, the client is entitled to as many amends as the budget allows. Once approval is received from the client, this is considered final and UnRealty will move to the next stage of the Services. If, for some reason, the client would like to make changes after approval, this will be quoted as an addition to the Services and at an agreed hourly rate. Payment of the final invoice is deemed approval of the specified elements in the invoice. For online / digital projects, deploying a project to a public facing, live environment is also considered approval of all Services outlined in the Quotation.

  17. Assistance. The Client will give UnRealty, its employees and contractors all assistance reasonably requested by UnRealty to enable UnRealty to carry out the Services.

  18. Employees. The Client will not, from the date of this Agreement to twelve months after completion of the provision of services by UnRealty, solicit, employ or contract any employee or contractor of UnRealty. The Client agrees that if it employs or engages any person directly, contrary to this clause it shall be liable to pay to UnRealty liquidated damages in a once off amount equal to 30% of such person’s annual salary or annualised contracted amount (if a contractor) at the time of departing UnRealty even if they have been employed or contracted by another organisation after departing UnRealty and prior to being engaged or employed by the Client.

  19. Warranty Period. On completion of the Services (excluding Deployment), there is a 30 day warranty period. This warranty period applies from the date the work is completed and submitted to the client and covers defects directly related to Services rendered by UnRealty. A defect must inhibit a user from completing the desired action to be covered under this clause. Warranty does not apply to defects which are caused as a result of the actions of other parties, including the Client. If source files are modified by any party other than an employee of UnRealty during the warranty period, warranty will automatically be terminated immediately. Warranty Period also does not cover modifications or additions to the Services, Quotation, specification or agreement which change the definition of the agreed scope of Services. Warranty Period does not cover any items not listed in the Services, Quotation, specification or agreement. If Services are submitted to the client and no feedback is provided during the warranty period, the Services will be considered final and additional amendments will be billed at an additional agreed hourly rate.

  20. Administration Access. By default, all clients of UnRealty will receive restricted access to their website / app. If requested, the client may request administration or full access. If accepted, UnRealty will no longer be held responsible for security, unwanted changes or alterations to the website. If any issues arise that are directly related to the elevated privileges, UnRealty is obliged to quote for these at an agreed hourly rate. If the request of full / administrator access is made during the warranty period (30 days), the warranty period will automatically be terminated. This also applies to the handover of source files. If source files are requested by the client during the warranty period, UnRealty can no longer be held responsible for the website and therefore the warranty will be terminated.

  21. Browser Testing. All websites will be tested in the following browsers on PC and Mac for desktop:

    1. Microsoft Edge (latest versions)
    2. Mozilla Firefox (latest verions)
    3. Google Chrome (latest version)
    4. Safari (latest version)

      For mobile browsers, we support:
    5. Latest versions of Chrome & Safari on screens greater than 320px wide.

      If functionality in a browser other than the ones stated above is required, optimization can be undertaken at an agreed hourly rate.

  22. Security. UnRealty agrees to maintain a secure web hosting environment for the Client. For clients hosting with us, we agree to maintain up to date server management software and the latest firewall protection. We do not take responsibility for security risks presented by out of date third party applications (such as Wordpress, Magento, SilverStripe and other Content Management Systems), digital development outside of the warranty period, security risks created by work that was not developed by UnRealty, work that has been approved by external security parties and projects that are not hosted on our web servers.

  23. Confidentiality. Each party shall treat as confidential all information which comes into its possession, pursuant to or as a result of or in the performance of this Agreement, whether such information relates to the business, sales, marketing or technical operations of the other Party or the clientele of the other Party or otherwise. Neither Party shall, without the written permission of the other, disclose such confidential information to a third party.

  24. Liability. UnRealty will not be liable to the Client or any persons claiming under it in contract, tort or otherwise for or in respect of any direct, indirect, or consequential loss, damage, expense or injury suffered by the Client or any other person arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any delay, non-performance or error in information supplied to the Client by UnRealty in connection with this Agreement or any services provided. Without limiting the foregoing, UnRealty shall have no liability for circumstances beyond its control, including without limitation fire, theft, strike, lockout, force majeure, act of god, or act of terror.

  25. Termination. Either Party may terminate this agreement by giving the other Party thirty (30) days written notice, or the parties may mutually agree in writing to a shorter notice period. This agreement will automatically terminate if: the Client enters into an arrangement or composition with creditors; an application is made for the appointment of a liquidator, controller, administrator, official manager, receiver and manager or similar officer or any of them is appointed; an event happens which would allow a court to wind the Client up; the Client ceases to carry on business or is unable to pay its debts; or the Client materially breaches this agreement and does not remedy the breach with fourteen (14) days of receiving notice from UnRealty to rectify the breach or the breach is incapable of being remedied.

    If this agreement is terminated for any reason the Client shall immediately pay to UnRealty any part of the Fees which has accrued prior to the termination but has not been paid, including works performed but not yet invoiced. Upon payment UnRealty shall deliver to the Client all books, records, plans, papers, models and information of any kind relating to the Services which are the property of the Client.

  26. Unused Hours. From time to time, UnRealty will provide a support agreement based on a number of hours to be used each month. This will be clearly stipulated in the quotation provided to the Client. These hours are recorded and reported on based on the total number stated in the quotation. If hours are not used in their entirety every month, they do not expire instantly. By default, the hours are rolled and can be used in following months. However, all hours do have an expiry date. This expiry date is 3 months after they were invoiced unless otherwise stated or agreed on prior.

  27. The proper law of this agreement is the law of New South Wales. The parties submit to the jurisdiction of courts in New South Wales.